Apliqo LP PM offers various analytical capabilities to better understand the portfolio performance.
Change in Portfolio value over time
How to use the capability
This reports show Net Invested capital per quarter and Inception to date (ITD)
Chose “measure” NAV to show negative NAV development in 2020-Q1
“Select Fund”: switch to a specific fund (e.g. Mango 11)
“Fund breakdown”: by vintage => “select fund” 2016
Explain: the big distribution received by Papaya in Q32021 is visible here.
“Measure”: Distributions
“Measure”: NAV
“Measure”: Total Value (NAV + Distributions)
Investment Pacing
Panel | ||||||||
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Shows the cashflow in the historic portfolio |
Investment Pacing
Info |
Shows the actual cash flow in the portfolio |
how to use the capability
Chose a fund
Choose Measure: e.g. net cash flow
hover over a pile diagram and show the quarterly positions
Click on 20212022-Q3 position
“drilldown by”: Fund
Click again on Box
Explain the two peaks in distributions: Papaya 1 and 2
Cluster Analysis
Panel | ||||||||
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Info | ||||||||
This reports clusters the funds on their TVPI Performance by all measures This allows you to find out with Vintages perform best |
How to use the capability
choose Contributions as measure to show the biggest investments
Fund breakdown by strategy
Choose the TVPI cluster to show the performance
point to the chart and play around with it to identify low performer
Colapse the Total and open up again
do not change the “fund breakdown”, leave it on Fund.
Rearrange the Clusters logically (alphabetical). Change the Cluster names alphabetically to have a proper order (lowest performance right - outperformer left)
Jira Legacy | ||||||
What is exposure metric?
Switching fund breakdown to vintage creats a “data query failed” error, even when resetting the drill by
Investment summary
panelIconId | 1f4b2 |
panelIcon | :heavy_dollar_sign: |
panelIconText | 💲 |
bgColor | #FFFAE6 |
*** GFX missing ***
Investment summary
Info |
The investment summary reports drills into the individual funds. |
How to use the capability
Choose Fund to show the details
General Study the fund info
Show other widgets
Choose “Fund” Apple 4
Capital Account Information widget => scroll down to Committed Capital (PIC)
Click on “asset summary” to switch screen to learn about the portfolio companies
Asset Level Summary
Panel | |
panelIconId | 1f4b2 |
panelIcon | :heavy_dollar_sign: |
panelIconText | 💲 | bgColor | #FFFAE6
Info | |
Still on Apple 4
How to use the capability
Identify low performing portfolio companies
Choose a fund
Search for the companies that have a big weight in the fund and low performance
companies Widget: order by “Inv. %” top down
Shows the largest investments of the fund
Analyse the
The fund is heavly invested in Capist, it is 8% of the overall fund Investements and has a low performance
move to column
Search for low performer in the “MoIC Analysis” widget
Focus on “unrealized” “below cost”
The realised are no longer interesting.Expand “below cost” to
find low performer
Search for low performer “revenue Y-Y growth” widget
move to “EBITDA Y-Y growth”
expand “negative growth”
point out “Capist Ldt”
move to “revenue Y-Y growth”
identify low performer
click to App menu “company benchmarks” to move forward in the menu
Info |
GrMoIC Multiple on Invested Capital (“MOIC”) is a metric used to describe the value or performance of an investment relative to its initial cost. It is also often referred to as Equity Multiple. ITD Inception-to-date (ITD) occurred since the start of a project. |
Asset level Benchmark - portfolio companies
Panel | ||||||||
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This table shows all the relevant datapoints per portfolio company Benefit: allows to analyse further the positions |
Explain some of the columns, scroll up to the far right
(Optional Excel export)
Explain the Navigation Panel on the right, expand it to show the options
select “Top companies”
Top Companies - asset level benchmark
Panel | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Change the “rating measure” to “invested capital”
change the “# companies” to 4
explain the “gross MoIC” widget by focusing on Capist
The valuation of the GP has seen some changes, in 2020-Q1 the company lost one third of its value, it quickly recoverd, but then it got reduced to 0.5 again.
A bumpy road you would like to talk to your GP about.
navigate to “buttom companies” on the left
Change the “rating measure” to “gain/loss”
point out Capist on widget “buttom companies analysis”
navigate to “selected assets” on the left for ben
Selected assets - Asset level benchmark
Benchmark data - Asset Level Benchmark
Panel | ||||||||
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this report allow to drill into the benchmark universe and identify suitable benchmark assets |
select “Company” Capist
explain the “Quote analysis company: industry” is adjusted automatically based on the selected asset industry
Explain “Benchmark” widget
“EV to EBITDA” the relevant benchmark group has a average of 15.09 ratio
Capist currently at 11compare the EBITDA growth of the benchmark group to the “EBITDA Y-Y growth” in the “selected asset” widget
(Optional Click on the process bar on “ (2) benchmark”)
Warning |
Don’t dos:
this takes too long |
is only the Healthcare Sector available in the asset-level-benchmark?