Aura tab |
summary | Application Constants |
params | JTdCJTIydGl0bGUlMjIlM0ElMjJBcHBsaWNhdGlvbiUyMENvbnN0YW50cyUyMiU3RA== |
The default.constants.js file is located in the apq-c3-custom/js folder within the web app directory of the root install directory of your Apliqo Application server.This file stores default constants for the Apliqo UX application. The 2023.05 version includes the following new application constants: Code Block |
"toolbar": {
} |
Aura tab |
summary | Advanced Options |
params | JTdCJTIydGl0bGUlMjIlM0ElMjJBZHZhbmNlZCUyME9wdGlvbnMlMjIlN0Q= |
Version 2023.05 includes the following new advanced options to control the features and behavior of Widgets in UX applications. Card Config
"showSummary": Show selected cell summary in the widget header Code Block |
"cardConfig": {
"showSummary": true
} |
Image Added
"sandboxEnabled": Enable sandbox functionality Code Block |
"toolbar": {
"sandboxEnabled": true
} |
Image AddedChart Options
"type":select chart type: area,areaspline,bar,bubble,column,columnpyramid,funnel,gauge,heatmap,line,pie,polygon,pyramid,scatter,series,solidgauge,spline,treemap,waterfall "alignTicks": align ticks on multi axis chart "showAxes":configure whether to show the axes initially "inverted": invert chart axis "backgroundColor": background color or gradient for the outer chart area "plotBackgroundColor": chart plot background color "margin": chart plot margin. e.g 0,0,0,0 | i.e. top,left,bottom,right "className": chart Custom CSS Class Name, allowing unique CSS styling for each chart "zoomType": Decides in what dimensions the user can zoom by dragging the mouse. Can be one of x, y or xy Code Block |
"chartOptions": {
"chart": {
"type": "areaspline",
"alignTicks": true,
"showAxes": true,
"inverted": true,
"backgroundColor": "#006345FF",
"plotBackgroundColor": "#0021f2FF",
"margin": [
"className": "",
"zoomType": "xy"
} |
Image Added"enabled": enable or disable the legend "align": horizontal alignment of the legend box within the chart area "verticalAlign": vertical alignment of the legend box "layout": layout of the legend items "reversed": select whether to reverse the order of the legend items compared to the order of the series or points as defined in the configuration object "rtl": decide whether to show the symbol on the right side of the text rather than the left side "floating": when the legend is floating, the plot area ignores it and is allowed to be placed below it "backgroundColor": background color of the legend "borderColor": color of the drawn border around the legend "borderWidth": width of the drawn border around the legend "borderRadius": border corner radius of the legend "symbolWidth": pixel width of the legend item symbol. When the squareSymbol option is set, this defaults to the symbolHeight, otherwise 16 "symbolHeight": pixel height of the symbol for series types that use a rectangle in the legend. Defaults to the font size of legend items "symbolPadding": pixel padding between the legend item symbol and the legend item text "itemWidth": width for each legend item. By default the items are laid out successively "itemMarginTop": pixel top margin for each legend item "itemMarginBottom": pixel bottom margin for each legend item "padding": inner padding of the legend box "className": CSS class name to apply to the legend group "valueDecimals": For a color axis with data classes, how many decimals to render in the legend. The default preserves the decimals of the range numbers "width": width of the legend box. If a number is set, it translates to pixels "x": x offset of the legend relative to its horizontal alignment "y": vertical offset of the legend relative to it's vertical alignment "itemStyle": "fontSize": CSS styles for each legend item in font size "fontWeight": CSS styles for each legend item in font weight "color": CSS styles for each legend item text color "textOverflow": CSS styles for each legend item text overflow "itemHoverStyle": "color": CSS styles for each legend item in hover mode Code Block |
"legend": {
"enabled": true,
"align": "center",
"verticalAlign": "top",
"layout": "vertical",
"reversed": true,
"rtl": true,
"floating": true,
"backgroundColor": "#b5ffd9FF",
"borderColor": "#004ca1FF",
"borderWidth": 3,
"borderRadius": 10,
"symbolWidth": 5,
"symbolHeight": 5,
"symbolPadding": 5,
"itemWidth": 150,
"itemMarginTop": 5,
"itemMarginBottom": 5,
"padding": 3,
"className": "",
"valueDecimals": 2,
"width": 150,
"x": 5,
"y": 5,
"itemStyle": {
"fontSize": "10",
"fontWeight": "normal",
"color": "#590022FF",
"textOverflow": ""
"itemHoverStyle": {
"color": "#007e96FF"
} |
Image Added Aura tab |
summary | Rest API Paths |
The settings.json file is located in the WEB-INF/config folder within the web app directory of the root install directory of your Apliqo Application server. This file stores control parameters used by the Apliqo UX application. The 2023.05 version includes an update to the allowedRestPaths array: Code Block |
allowedRestPaths": [
"path": "/ExecuteProcessWithReturn",
"method": "POST"
"path": "/Users.*",
"method": "Get"
"path": "/Groups.*",
"method": "Get"
"path": "/Users.*",
"method": "PATCH"
"path": "/Cubes(.*)",
"method": "GET"
"path": "/Cubes(.*)",
"method": "POST"
"path": "/Cubes(.*)",
"method": "PATCH"
"path": "/Cubes(.*)",
"method": "DELETE"
} ,
"path": "/Dimensions(.*)",
"method": "GET"
"path": "/Dimensions(.*)",
"method": "PUT"
"path": "/Dimensions(.*)",
"method": "POST"
"path": "/Dimensions.*",
"method": "PATCH"
"path": "/Dimensions(.*)",
"method": "DELETE"
"path": "/Cellsets(.*)",
"method": "POST"
"path": "/Cellsets(.*)",
"method": "DELETE"
"path": "/\\$metadata.*",
"method": "GET"
"path": "/Threads.*",
"method": "GET"
"path": "/Threads.*",
"method": "PATCH"
"path": "/Threads(.*)",
"method": "POST"
"path": "/ExecuteMDX(.*)",
"method": "POST"
"path": "/ExecuteMDXSetExpression(.*)",
"method": "POST"
"path": "/ExecuteMDXSetExpression(.*)",
"method": "GET"
"path": "/Annotations.*",
"method": "GET"
"path": "/Annotations(.*)",
"method": "DELETE"
"path": "/ErrorLogFiles(.*)",
"method": "GET"
], |